Contemporary Tech.
Commercial Agriculture.
Localised Impact.
African farmers are key in the development of African economies. Together we can achieve regional and global food security. It’s time to promote efficient food production and modernise small holder farmers through commercialisation and the application of emerging technologies.
AgriProject was formed in response to identifiable needs of the sub-national African landscape. In our 30 years of combined experience working in rural communities, we have recognized how underutilized commercial level technology has been in rural settings. Subsistence farming - despite it’s very clear utility - is not an effective solution towards permanently liberating beneficiaries from cyclical poverty nor expanding rural development. We choose to use our experience and employ modern technological advances to implement high impact community based, “for profit” projects with the aim of achieving sustainability and true empowerment.
Our team’s strategy is research, develop and apply agricultural technologies to enhance farming and livestock enterprises. The vision is to implement projects that move those in a mode of survival into an existence of prosperity and propel rural Africa to a developed state with better market access.

Rural Impact
Our community based projects ensure direct participation of disadvantaged households. Implementation involves recruitment of farmers into our projects while providing training and support previously inaccessible or affordable.
Innovative Design
Through the research of cutting edge agricultural practices paired with informed decision making, our projects are designed to address present needs while fostering resilience to the uncertainties of the future.
Modern Tech
Development and application of web based platforms integrating GPS and IOT-based technology to revolutionise livestock management, agricultural output as well as biodiversity conservation.
Sustainable Growth
We believe development can be sustainable without subjecting beneficiaries to remedial living conditions. With climate sensitive operations and locally sourced materials our projects stimulate domestic economies while linking to the global value chain in a clean manner.

Tech Development
Biodiversity Tracking

Monitoring the location and well-being of large game and environmentally threatened species with new technology and innovative methods. This can help to prevent poaching in real time, prevent species extinction and aid scientists and governments in conservation efforts.
The Internet of Bees

Applying GPS and "Internet of Things" based technology to monitor and support the growth of honey producing beehives. Temperature, weight and other data points are gathered from each hive to ensure security, inform decision making and visualize changes in trends.

Remote tracking of agricultural operations through embedding senors than send pulses of data informing farmers of valuable, subtle changes. This system can be used to monitor livestock movement and health, irrigation system functionality, and soil health and moisture status.

Livestock Reproduction
Modernized Beekeeping
Contract Pig

Current operations in Namibia improve the fertility and chances of cattle coming to term through the use of modern insemination techniques and technologies. Through our consultations we augment the productivity of commercial as well as small holder farmers and develop a reproduction strategy that is unique and tailored to fit the individual needs of each client.

Honey production projects in Namibia are operating with the goal of bringing industrial beekeeping to a local level. We impact the impoverished, address gender inequalities through employment and tackle food insecurity with pollination services. Our research during these efforts is geared towards developing pharmaceutical grade honey products and creating an advanced pollen flow tracking application to prepare for the effects of climate turbulence.

We are currently developing a network of small holder pig farmers with the purpose of enhance their livestock management and production as well as their operational efficiency and overall earnings. Alone these farmers face difficulties getting to market and benefitting from economies of scale but through our support they will be able to have improved livelihoods and a better functioning enterprise.

Namib Bee


Marcia L. Sajeni
Administrative Lead
An experienced business administrator with experience with NGO projects, community based project implementation and strategic human resources management

Dr. Bernard Chiwome
Founder +
Managing Director
A veterinarian with experience in managing extensive commercial livestock production enterprises, agribusiness consultancy and implementation of community based programmes.

Michael Johnson
Economist +
Business Dev. Lead
An economist experienced in project management and impact evaluation in emerging economies. He has played active roles in projects in Namibia, Tanzania & Mozambique

184 Gamsa Street, Cimbebasia
Windhoek, Namibia
Office: +264 81 1405339
Mobile: +264 81 2032522